What can trigger your reduced sex drive in menopause?

What can trigger your reduced sex drive in menopause

Let’s face it, when you’re suffering from perimenopausal sleep loss, fatigue or vaginal pain, sex may not be the top of your priority list in the bedroom department. If your relationship is bearing the brunt, consider removing elements in your day to day life that trigger your low libido. Certain things you drink are a good place to start.

Alcohol and menopause loss of libido

We’re sorry to say that a cheeky cocktail or glass of wine might get you in the mood, but when you drink too much your libido suffers. Alcohol is a depressant, reduce your drinking and your sparkle may return. Drinking a 2-to-1 ratio of water to alcohol is a new way ahead if you are out on a social.

Moderation is the way ahead when it comes to alcohol, menopause, and low libido. A study in Finland found that moderate drinking does boost sex drive in women. After drinking, women experience a spike in testosterone, which can make it much easier and more likely for them to become aroused.

While alcohol can make you feel in the mood for love in the short term, long-term, heavy consumption is detrimental. Your pleasure and desire may rise after one or two drinks, but it lowers your physiological arousal. You may feel great, but after that rise in testosterone, the levels of this hormone significantly drop, which can make you irritable, angry, or anxious.

Heavy consumption of alcohol during menopause can lower testosterone levels further, disrupt oestrogen levels, and may impact your mental health. All will result in a lowering of your sex drive.

Your menopause and fizzy drinks
Avoid fizzy drinks, including diet options. They are full of artificial sweeteners, which affect your serotonin levels, a hormone that is essential in maintaining your well-being and happiness. Low serotonin levels may be associated with low libido in menopause. 

There are plenty of positive changes that you can make to your lifestyle that can help to lift your libido.


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