What can help boost self-esteem & confidence in menopause?

what can help build self esteem & confidence in menopause

Exercise is a bonus to boost perimenopause self confidence

Exercise not only helps confidence-sapping menopause weight gain but releases mood-enhancing endorphins, all to the good for your menopause mental health. Choose an exercise that you’ll enjoy and stick with, as the benefits take time to kick in. Build brisk walks into your day, take the stairs instead of the lift, fill out a gym membership, start Zumba - just do something! it's more fun when exercising with others so buddy up and go for brisk walks, or buy yourself a hula-hoop it’s a fun way to whittle away your waistline, watch our video for a laugh.

If you’ve lost confidence to exercise and don’t know where to begin finding a fitness coach that understands the impact menopause has on your self confidence (especially in an exercise environment). We can help you find a trainer that knows how to help you begin your fitness journey.

Our sister business Menopause Movement has trained health and fitness professionals to appropriately treat and train menopausal women. Search our Menopause Movement Directory to find your menopause coach.

Because you’re worth it

Making time for a little TLC is important. Whatever your thing, indulge! Potter in the garden, curl up on the sofa and binge-watch Netflix, read a book, soak in a relaxing candle-lit bath, or book yourself in for a manicure. Try to go easy on yourself, and let those around you know you need some nurturing time to do the things that make you feel better.


Try those yoga and deep breathing exercises we keep talking about. Watch how to do simple yoga relaxation and breathing exercises – basically anything that is non-stressful and that you enjoy.

When social and online networking can help

Don’t suffer in silence! Talking to other women going through similar experiences, and finding that you’re not alone, can be therapeutic and reassuring. We’ve had some of our funniest, frankest and most poignant conversations with women of all ages who’ve experienced every sort of menopause. If you can’t talk in person, go online, and embrace social networking and menopause forums. Who knows what new friends you may find in far-flung places? Join our Facebook Group, PositivePause Chill Zone, and follow us on Instagram, or Twitter, you’ll love our positivity and meet like-minded folk.

Take control - what makes you tick?

It can be a sobering realisation for women in mid-life that their bodies have changed. In many cultures, women see menopause as a time of increased respect and freedom. We’re not there yet, but on the bright side, although women in the western world aren’t throwing menopause parties (yet!), it’s good to see that menopause getting a much-needed boost to its profile - talked about on TV, radio, in the press and social media and being given a step up the conversation ladder with celebrities and politicians working together on high profile awareness-raising campaigns.

Menopause isn’t an illness, but a phase of life, that can be somewhat trickier for some. Adopting a positive attitude and taking the appropriate action will help you to come through it with your self-esteem intact. It might take some tweaking and adjusting, but taking control of your own menopause will help.


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