Talking to the doctor about menopause symptoms

talking to the doctor about your menopause symptoms

Planning a visit to your GP to get the correct menopause treatment?

Having decided to talk to your GP about what may, or may not be, symptoms of your menopause, getting the most out of that super-short appointment is key. We’ve put together a list of things to help you prepare so you can make the most of your menopause consultation when talking to your doctor!

6 Tips to place you in a positive position talking menopause with your GP

Booking your appointment

When booking your appointment with the receptionist, ask who best to speak to about menopause and request a female GP if that’s who you’ll be more comfortable with. GPs can often develop areas of special interest, such as women’s health or menopause, meaning some will know more than others. Seeing a GP who you are comfortable and confident with will leave you far happier with your experience - and get you the answers you want! We suggest you don’t leave it to chance, and try to see a GP experienced in menopause. If possible, book a double appointment.

Know your symptoms!

Think of your GP appointment as a mission! Your GP may be the doctor, but you can prepare and read up so you get the most from your appointment. Have a think about your symptoms and how they are affecting your day to day activities. You may even want to write a log or diary of symptoms during the weeks before. So when your GP asks ‘What brings you in today?’ you can answer confidently! If you’re not sure whether symptoms you’ve noticed are because of menopause or not, Positive Pause has an excellent resource on physical and psychological symptoms.

Know how your symptoms affect you

Remember: it is also important to note how you felt during your symptoms (anxious, frustrated, embarrassed) and the impact symptoms are having on your life. Take time to think about which are more bothersome to your quality of life. 

Think about what you want

GPs will want to know what you’re concerned about and what your expectations are from the consultation. The more you can share, the more your doctor should be able to help. Reading the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines for patients in advance will help you to have the conversation and find out what management options they can offer. If it’s a referral to a menopause clinic, a change in your medication, or to see if you can start HRT, you should let your GP know so it can be discussed.

We suggest having questions ready in advance, such as: ‘I pee a little when I laugh, how do I stop this?’ or ‘I’m arguing more with my husband because he says we never have sex. I want to, but it’s painful!’ or ‘I think I’m going through menopause, do I need to continue my contraception’, or ‘would HRT help my situation?’.

Have a plan B

If you aren’t satisfied with your experience, ask for a second opinion from another GP in the practice with a speciality interest in women’s health, and if unavailable, a referral to a menopause clinic. The BMS has a good directory of all NHS and private menopause clinics:

Take someone with you

While 7 minutes isn’t a long time for a consultation, you can fit a lot in if you’re prepared. Having someone with you to ask questions, clarify points, and then to talk with afterwards takes the strain off you. You may feel like you can’t talk to people in your life about the difficult time you’re having, but this leaves you isolated to manage your menopause symptoms when there is no need. The people around you will often be pleased to help and support you through menopause!

January 2020


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