Menopause and anxiety - diet & nutrition to help
We know that stimulants, alcohol and caffeine etc have a negative impact on mood, sleep & wellbeing It’s recognised that food can affect mood - the mental health charity MIND say many people find eating a healthy diet helps them to manage their anxiety better. So if we take that on board, what should we eat to help manage and reduce menopausal anxiety?
Keep blood sugar stable
As sudden dips in blood sugar levels can make you feel tired and irritable, make the switch from simple to complex carbohydrates. White bread, white rice and baked foods are not your friends. Opt instead for oats, wholewheat cereals, brown rice, quinoa, beans, peas and lentils.
Have a happy sandwich!
Tryptophan contributes to the production of serotonin so choose chicken, turkey, or cottage cheese for your sandwich filling. Oats, legumes, bananas and seeds are other good sources.
Grab a handful of seeds
B vitamins help support the nervous system, so snack on sunflower seeds, pistachios, dried fruit, and bananas. And remember to add tuna, salmon, turkey, chicken and avocados to your weekly shop.
Choose calming foods
When your liver isn’t functioning properly, anxiety kicks in. According to a research study at the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Clinical Sciences, there are “important links between mind and body, and of the damaging effects psychological distress can have on physical wellbeing.” Suggesting that anxiety and depression may be indirectly linked to an increased risk of liver disease. Eat more: beetroot, tomatoes, collard greens, and sunflower seeds.
Eat little and often
To help keep blood sugar stable - and prevent the production of anxiety-creating adrenaline. Healthy snacks include nuts, seeds and fruit. But take time to sit down and eat slowly and calmly.
Learn more about how nutrition can help to manage blood sugars in menopause!