Easy Exercises for Menopause

If you're looking for easy exercises to help your menopause symptoms, join us in the privacy of your home any try this series of three workouts with women's health and fitness coach, Baz Moffat. This is an introductory session to get your menopausal joints moving.

Easy impact beginner exercises for menopause bone health, cardiovascular health. Part 2 of our three series of easy exercises for menopause symptoms. Make sure you start with part 1. to warm up, and finish with part 3. to warm down. Both important to avoid any injury.

Easy restorative exercises for menopause. Really important for calming your menopausal anxiety and stresses. This is the third session in our easy beginners menopause exercise series. Watch part 1. to warm up and improve stiff joints and mobility. Part 2. to help improve heart and bone health post-menopause.


Menopause and Heart Health


Tracy’s experience of changing sense of smell following surgical menopause